Wise Words

He remembers that day as clearly as ever. The leader came in to his office and said “The board loves you dearly, but they want to go in a  different direction. You are not doing anything poorly, but they feel they need a little more dynamism.”

His initial reaction was stunned shock. After all the things we have come through, after all the healing, after all the above and beyond work, it’s not good enough? It’s not fair; it’s not right.  What are we going to do? How will we provide for our family? What is really going on? His next reaction was remembering a verse that basically says “Trust God and He will take care of you.” Trust is easy in good smooth sailing times, but tough when the rug is pulled out from underneath our feet. Little by little, day by day, he began to go from “Why?” to “What?”…   What are you teaching? What should we be doing? He began to get involved in other people’s lives through a unique company and found that he was much happier and more  suited to his new work: a rekindled joy from what he had been recently experiencing. Our trusting moments do not have to come from career or life threatening changes, but throughout life, they will come. Yogi Berra of New York Yankee fame is known for his offbeat quotes. One of my favorites is “when you get to a fork in the road…take it”. A fork in the road means decisions have to be made. Which way am I going? Often our fork in the road decisions are borne from some difficulty or trying experience in life. Where do we turn? Who can we trust?

Scripture tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

David Eaton,                                                                                                                                                               Area Team Leader


5 San Antonio Real Estate Projections for 2016

Real estate was one of the main topics at the 2016 Economic Forecast in San Antonio a few months ago. The city has experienced slow, steady growth in recent years, and while things may cool off slightly in 2016, it’s still expected to be a positive year for the real estate market.

More Jobs, More Buyers

The Urban Land Institute’s 2016 “Emerging Trends in Real Estate” report named San Antonio as one of the top 20 markets in the coming year. The biggest influential factor is overall job growth in both suburban and urban areas. When there’s an increase in jobs there is a natural increase in buyers that will help keep the market hot.

Continued Construction

New homes made by builders like Sitterle Homes in San Antonio sold at a faster pace in 2015 compared to 2014. This is in large part because builders were able to keep up with demand. If the jobs situation continues to improve, the demand for new homes will be as high as ever, and San Antonio home builders are preparing for a busy year in 2016.

Homes Under $200,000 Will Be Harder to Find

Analysts aren’t expecting the trend of higher home prices to turn around in 2016. The share of homes under $200,000 was 57% at the beginning of 2015, down from 68% in 2012. The drop probably won’t be dramatic, but the share will likely decrease by a few percentage points next year.

Industry Diversification Will Further Stabilize the Economy

Diverse economies are more stable economies that support steady growth in the real estate market. San Antonio is improving diversity in 2016 by supporting growth in new industries like biotech. New industries mean new job opportunities and new home buyers.

Fewer Foreign Investors

In the years following the Great Recession much of the real estate investment involved foreign buyers and investors. Now that the value of the dollar has strengthened and economies in Europe and Asia have slowed, San Antonio will likely see fewer foreign buyers in 2016.

Article written by: M. Ramirez, Sitterle Homes

New Employees

Picture2Ryan Williams– Key Insulation would like to welcome Ryan to the team! He is a UT graduate that is now our new Quality Assurance Inspector, making sure all of our projects meet each inspection and are rolling smoothly.




DPicture1erek Albright– Derek recently graduated with a degree in Construction Science from Texas A&M and is now working as Key Insulation’s Operations Coordinator.





SPFA Convention

Key Insulation attended the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) Convention and Expo  in Orlando, Florida. This national convention a 35,000+ square foot Exhibit Hall, technical and  market-related breakout sessions designed to bring practical and crucial information, and a once-a-year opportunity to interact face-to-face with equipment/material suppliers and industry peers.


Upcoming Events

Events Attended:

Feb. 8th – 11th  SPFA Convention & Expo

Feb. 11th          Texas State Job Fair

Upcoming events:

Feb. 26th    Builders Luncheon at GSABA
