Key has 3 of the 17 certifications!
by Eli Klar & Pamela Canales

Operations had a very exciting month and celebrated with tacos, muffins, awards, and certifications. To start off, we announced a personnel change between Preston Bacon and Carl Allen. Carl is now the Cellulose Supervisor, and Preston has taken on our inspector position until he moves to Sales.

Barry Hanson & Carl Allen were awarded with Insulate America’s “Best Employee” of this year’s third quarter, which gets his profile in the booklet distributed to all the companies who are members of Insulate America. It also puts him in the running to win a potential $10,000. Good luck!

For those of you who haven’t heard, Key Insulation received the “Vendor of the Year” award from Chesmar Homes. Out of all the other companies and trades that work for Chesmar, we got the highest award!!! Teamwork is what makes us successful and keeps our clients happy. Keep up the good work everyone!

Last week we sent Carl Allen and Antonio Hernandez to Denver, Colorado to compete in Insulate Americas “Americas Best Installers” competition. Ultimately, this competition requires competitors to apply fiberglass quickly, but efficiently.

Neither Carl nor Antonio made it to the final round, but it was a good experience and opportunity to present Key Insulation and check out other companies and people from across the U.S. They plan on attending again next year and bringing home the GOLD!

We also re-announced our two “Crews of the Month” for October:
Foam truck F55

  • Richard Cervantes
  • Gregorio Medina
  • Gerry Stewart

Cellulose truck C45

  • Orlando Casiano
  • Efrain Cazares
  • Michael Taylor

Good work guys!

New Foam Truck
by Eli Klar & Pamela Canales

We have all seen or heard of the MTV show “Pimp My Ride”. Well Key Insulation did its own version of the show and completely upgraded the interior of our new foam truck from head to toe. Eli Klar and Miguel Tapia, with the help of Gerald Stewart and Jerome Mena, completed the new foam truck in time for the Master Installer testing. Their weekends and countless hours of hard work spent working on the new foam truck have paid off. The new truck is now the precedent for trucks to come.

The new upgrades in the foam truck include:

  • All new flooring
  • Insulated walls with CC Foam
  • Painted foam walls and floors
  • Painted mounting brackets and plugs
  • Cabinets and shelves to keep everything organized
  • Metal labels to keep it in order

Master Installers & Project Managers

Throughout the last couple of months we have been preparing and testing our foam crew leads and managers to become Master Installers and Project Managers granted through the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance. This alliance serves to the most elite of foam insulation installers, and is recognized nationwide. The testing includes both written and on site exams. Each candidate must pass four written tests with over three hundred and fifty questions to become a Master Installer, and over four hundred questions to become a Project Manager. The information a person must know is over multiple topics including OSHA laws, foam application, foam and building science, information documentation, as well as others. Each candidate must also be OSHA certified, and so we now have multiple OSHA certified personnel on hand. This is great by itself alone. Those who are testing for the Master Installer certification must also display through a demo test their ability to apply all standards required. Only after all of this are their performances reviewed for full completion and granting of this certification. We have four individuals who have completed all of these requirements for Master Installer, and are currently under review. We will know in a week or two the results. Please keep these guys in your prayers as they are anxious and excited to see how they did. To go along with this we also have three members of our team who will soon be certified as Project Managers. As soon as the paperwork is stamped, Abraham Nevarez, Elias Klar, and Raul Roman will officially become certified SPFA Project Managers.